MSC new gate-in policy
作者:James    发布于:2013-11-22 10:07:45    文字:【】【】【

     Re : Illustration for Rates application basing on Gate-In date for all services from Asia

Further to our earlier announcement re rate application basing on Gate-In date with effect from
1st November 2013 which applies for all exports from Asia (Countries include: *China - main
ports of call, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand,
Indonesia, Cambodia, Yangon and Bangladesh) to worldwide destination, please find the updated
summary with illustration as below :

1.  Freight is manifested against the last container gate-in under the same B/L. 
2.  All containers involved are charged with the same rate under the same B/L.
3.  Rates are applicable against the container arrangement in the first S/I submission.
4.  S/I amendment after S/I cut-off / submission to split B/L can be accepted. However, the same
rates will be applied for all containers as arranged under point 1 to 3 above.
5.  All S/I amendment is subject to amendment fee or ENS fee when applicable.

For example:-
•  Rate adjustment wef 15 November, 2013 again
•  There are 3 containers in a shipment. Container
•  Container# 1 and 2 gated-in on 14 November, 2013.
•  In the first S/I submission, container# 1, 2, 3 a
•  15 November rates are applicable on all contain
•  After S/I cut-off /submission, request to split S/
(subject to amendment fee or ENS fee when ne
be applicable on  container# 2 under B/L# B.


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